Durante cinco décadas, entre 1960 y 2010, se secó el Mar de Aral en Asia Central y se inundó el valle de las Tres Gargantas en China. Ambos fenómenos fueron causados por actividad humana: un desastre medioambiental no intencionado en el caso de Aral, y la construcción de una presa hidroeléctrica en el caso de las Tres Gargantas. Ambos eventos produjeron el desplazamiento forzado de millones de personas cuyo hogar perdió el agua que lo sustentaba, o desapareció bajo la superficie.

Este ensayo gráfico traza un paralelismo entre un mar que se seca y un valle que se inunda. Sigue la pista a dos migrantes: Un cabrero que se va a una gran ciudad al norte, y un trabajador del valle que se muda a otra región. Se despide el paisaje, se desplazan el agua y la arena.

Esta es mi segunda novela gráfica autoeditada. Bebe de  estudios y artículos, que recojo aquí. Es una edición limitada de 200 copias, firmadas y numeradas. Está impresa en risografía a cuatro tintas (amarillo, naranja flúor, aqua y púrpura) por las manos expertas del Último Mono.


In five decades, between 1960 and 2010, the Aral Sea in Central Asia dried up and the Three Gorges valley in China was flooded. Both phenomena were caused by human activity: an unintended environmental disaster in the case of the Aral, and the construction of a hydroelectric dam in the case of the Three Gorges. Both events resulted in the forced displacement of millions of people whose homes lost the water that supported them, or disappeared beneath the surface.

This graphic essay draws a parallel between a drying sea and a flooding valley. It tracks two migrants: A goatherd who leaves for a large city to the north, and a valley worker who moves to another region. The landscape is shifted, water and sand displaced.

This is my second self-published graphic novel. It draws from studies and articles, which I collect here. It is a limited edition of 200 copies, signed and numbered. It is printed in four-color risography (yellow, fluorescent orange, aqua and purple) by the expert hands of Último Mono.


Un rayo cae en un árbol seco, provocando un incendio forestal, un fuego desbocado que lo devora todo. Pero desde que hay bosques, también ha habido tormentas eléctricas. ¿Porqué ocurren estos incendios tan destructivos? Existen ecosistemas adaptados al fuego, especies que han coevolucionado con fuego y se benefician de sus efectos. Durante décadas, la política imperante ha sido la supresión del fuego, mientras que la gestión territorial de los primeros pueblos lo utilizaba como herramienta de manejo del paisaje. Es un conocimiento en recuperación, que está volviendo a aplicarse ahora.

CHASQUIDO Y SISEO es un relato visual en clave poética que recorre este tema, ilustrando la compleja relación humana con el fuego en el paisaje. Bebe de muchas fuentes científicas, que recojo aquí.

Esta es mi primera novela gráfica autoeditada. Tras una primera edición, en 2024 reeditamos otras 150 copias, firmadas y numeradas. Está impresa en risografía a cuatro tintas (amarillo, naranja flúor, azul medio y negro) por las manos expertas del Último Mono


Lightning strikes a dry tree, sparking a forest fire, a wildfire that devours everything. But as long as there have been forests, there have also been thunderstorms. Why do these destructive fires occur? There are ecosystems adapted to fire, species that have co-evolved with fire and benefit from its effects. For decades, the prevailing policy has been fire suppression, whereas the First Nations’ territorial management used it as a land stewarding, ritual tool. This, fire against fire, is a wisdom in recovering.

CRACKLE AND HISS is a visual, poetic story that illustrates the complex human relationship with landscape fire. It draws from many scientific sources, which I collect here.

This is my first self-published graphic novel. After a first edition, in 2024 we reprint a new edition of 150 copies, signed and numbered. It is printed in four-color risography (yellow, fluorescent orange, medium blue and black) by the expert hands of Último Mono


El fuego es destructivo, pero también puede ser un agente de regeneración. Un Intercambio Incendiario es un webcomic sobre NbS (Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza) que trata sobre la problemática del fuego y las políticas de supresión. Una iniciativa financiada por NetworkNature y la Comisión Europea y creada para The Nature of Cities. Se puede leer en otros idiomas en su página. Durante su realización he referenciado numerosas fuentes científicas, que se pueden consultar en este documento.


Fire is destructive, yet it can be regenerative as well. A Fiery Exchange is a NbS (Nature-based Solution) webcomic that tackles the problematic surrounding fire and fire policies. It is funded by NetworkNature and the European Commission and created for The Nature of Cities. You can read it in every language on their page. To make it, I consulted many scientific sources- they can be found referenced on this document. 


Riso print (A4, a dos tintas, sobre papel Munken de 240g). Edición limitada a 25 ejemplares de cada,  firmados y numerados.


Riso print (2-color ink, A4, printed on 240g Munken paper). Limited edition of 25 copies each, signed and numbered.



Postales (A6) a dos tintas en risografía sobre papel de 240g. 


Postcards printed in two-ink risography on 240g paper. 

Pack 12 postales de animales :: 12 postcard combo pack


Postales (A6) en risografía sobre cartulina reciclada de 250g. Extractos de páginas de mis novelas gráficas “Chasquido y siseo” y “Agua y Arena”.


Postcards printed in risography on recycled 250g paper. The images are excerpts from my graphic novels, “Crackle & Hiss” and “Water & Sand”

4 postales (mezcla) :: 4 postcards (assorted)


Cada impresión digital de alta calidad mide 32 x 32 cm, con un margen gris de 7 cm alrededor de la imagen. Las láminas se imprimen localmente en Madrid en papel Hannemüehle mate 308 g, libre de ácidos, con tinta resistente a los rayos UVA.

Cada lámina está firmada y numerada. Cada imagen pertenece a una edición cerrada de 10 copias.

Las láminas se envían dentro de una funda de celofán y sobre de cartón rígido.


Each high-quality digital print measures 13 x 13 inches, with a 2.5 inch grey margin around the image. They are printed locally in Madrid on Hannemüehle mat acid-free, archival, 10.8 oz, ecofriendly paper with UV resistant ink.

Each print is individually signed and numbered. They are closed editions of 10 prints. Once sold out, they'll be gone for good.

Prints are packed with a plastic sleeve cover and sent in rigid cardboard envelopes.

07/2024 Jewel of the Hills in La Mesa, CA. Done with ArtReach San Diego. The mural engaged over 40 participants of all ages in the ideation and painting of this mural, resulting in a serene and vibrant welcome mural for all visitors. I had the pleasure to design it, including local flora and fauna such as California poppies, Allen’s Hummingbird, Mourning Cloak (butterfly), San Diego Alligator Lizard, Bush Sunflowers, and more. It highlights the beautiful hills, paths, and natural environment of this park and surrounding landscape of the City of La Mesa, which is also known as Jewel of the Hills. 9m (2m+5m+2m) x 2m [370’ (80’+210’+80’) x 76’]. More info on this newspiece.

05/2023 The Artful Way in San Diego, CA. Done with ArtReach San Diego. The design was based on the students’ input, and then painted alongside them at Roosevelt Middle School, Oceanside. 5 x 11 m (17’ x 37’). More info on their site.

10/2022 Marina in Munich, Germany.
Ocean creatures. Private commission. 

04/2022 SEEDS TO STARS in Santee, CA.
The design was based on the student artists’ input, and then painted alongside them at Sycamore Canyon Elementary School. With ArtReach San Diego. 2,5 x 17 m (8’ x 60’)

04/2019 OCEAN WALK for ArtReach’s Art Walk in San Diego, CA. An interactive mural where people filled in the colors, featuring fauna from the Pacific ocean.

06/2018 OCEAN TUNNEL section in San Diego, CA.
A project for Burning Man 2018 to spread awareness on biodiversity loss caused by climate change. Another collaboration with muralist and art educator Izzy Halpern.

03/2018 ELLÁTÓház in Budapest. Commissioned work for a restaurant-pub in the VIII District, featuring upcycled lights and ship diagrams.

08/2017 LA GASOLINERA collaborative mural for La Gasolinera a neighborhood space in Madrid.
Blind contour portraits of neighbours of La Guindalera, a collaboration with muralist and art educator Isabel Halpern.


Calendario A4, impreso en risografía a dos tintas en papel Munken 240g. Con ilustraciones de los animales del año lunar.


A4 calendar, printed in two inks on risography on 240g Munken paper. Illustrated with the animals on the lunar year (week starts on Monday)

Calendario 2025

[descarga digital gratuita: free digital downloads]

aquí puedes descargar imágenes del calendario para el móvil.

Abriendo esta página en tu dispositivo, haz click en la imagen y guárdala. después configúrala como fondo. A mí me resulta más útil como pantalla bloqueada.

How to: open this page on your device, click on the image and save it to your phone. then set it as a desktop. I find it most useful as a locked screen reference.

My agenda is better followed through my newsletter or instagram.
Apart from collective shows, I have displayed my work in the following Solo shows:
09/2023 “Punto de Luz” at painting studio (Madrid)

11/2021 “Lava y Humo” at Espacio Lorenzana (Madrid)

12/2019-08/2020 “32 rayas” at San Bernardo 115 (Madrid)

06/2019 “II-III emelet” at Heinrich Alkotói Szint (Budapest)

11/2013-01/2014 at Actual Café (Oakland, CA)

10/2013 at Books inc. (Berkeley, CA)

08/2013 at The New Parkway Theater (Oakland, CA)

04/2013 Honor Show "Uncovered territories" at Worth Ryder Art Gallery (UC Berkeley, CA)

04/2013 Senior Show at Worth Ryder Art Gallery (UC Berkeley, CA)

04/2013 at Nabolom café (Berkeley, CA)

In 2022 I collaborated with Paisaje Transversal illustrating and designing their work for the Vitoria-Gasteiz 2030 Agenda. The resulting documents, in Euskera, Spanish and English, are a visual representation of the main measures that will bring the city to the future. These were drafted according to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Strategic Goals of the Spanish Urban Agenda. You can consult the full versions here.


In 2021 I participated in research on urban resilience for UN-Habitat in Somalia, collaborating mainly with María Núñez.
the project comprised urban profiles, settlement development plans and resilience plans. it involved technical research, cartography, ecosystem restoration theory and illustration. 

you can read the published resilience plans for Hobyo, Dhusamareb and Jowhar

further page samples from other documents:

In 2020 I was a researcher at Ayuntamiento de Madrid about public art in urban spaces. 

read on issuu:

read on academia.edu:

some page samples:

click here for my ILLUSTRATION PORTFOLIO 2022

I do digital illustration and graphic design for Prague Youth Theatre.